Air Charter Service Offers 私人 Air Charters for Business 和 Leisure at the Best Prices

适合勤奋的高管和眼光敏锐的旅行者, flying on a private jet gives you all the convenience of road travel without the limitations of fixed routes 和 traffic, 更不用说节省了你大量的时间.

At ACS we work hard to deliver leading-edge private air charter options 和 services that put you at the center of a personalized, 按需旅行体验,无论您是商务还是休闲飞行.



A private business jet rental is your fast track to time-saving convenience 和 travel flexibility. 这是高管们唯一真正有效的解决方案, 有严格日程安排的高级管理人员和关键人员, 在不同的城市开会或在一天内访问几个地点. 

能够 租一架私人飞机 anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice is about more than taking back control of your travel schedule. The space 和 comfort of an executive jet allows you to choose how you’ll spend your time in the air. 这可能是在做演示, 会见客户或同事, 或者放松一下,这样你才能精力充沛地进入下一个阶段.

有这么多受欢迎的公务机可供选择, your dedicated jet charter specialist will make sure you always enjoy the ideal aircraft for a particular journey, 无论是国内旅行的轻型飞机, 为那些难以到达的地区提供涡轮螺旋桨飞机, 或者是跨洲飞行的行政客机.

需要私人商务飞机租赁? 给你当地的办公室打电话 or 



macaugalaxy银河国际赁 因为休闲旅游正变得非常流行. 为什么? 因为我们珍惜闲暇时间的每一刻, 也就是说过程和结果一样重要. 

当你乘坐一家小型包机航空公司时, 就像那些和我们一起工作的人, 你避免了商业航空旅行中令人沮丧的问题——机场停车方便, 使用专用终端, 不用排很长的安检队伍, 和 the peace of mind that your aircraft charter will wait for you if you’re a few minutes late. 你也可以带上更多的行李或设备, 在舒适的躺椅上放松和伸展, 不用塑料刀叉就能享受美食.

Whether it’s a short trip for a weekend’s skiing or a two-week vacation in the Caribbean, your dedicated charter expert will guide you through the easy process of booking a private jet 和 help you choose from a variety of popular private planes to get you 和 your loved ones to your destination in comfort 和 with a minimum of fuss. 你到达时很放松,休息得很好,准备好充分利用你的冒险.

需要私人包机? 给你当地的办公室打电话 or






We take the confusion out of chartering a private jet with a simple, four-stage process. 您的专职租船顾问, 由我们的全球办事处网络和24小时运营团队提供支持, 确保无论您的需求是什么, 你的包机会顺利出发.


  • Our experience works for you: We have over 25 years’ experience transporting people across the globe with bespoke charter services.
  • 豪华舒适:飞行应该是一种乐趣-我们让您的私人飞行豪华, 舒适方便, 无论你是想提高工作效率,还是想为你的假期开个好头.
  • 谨慎和安全:ACS包机保证您的隐私, 在必要的时候, 我们与您的安全供应商就您的包机的各个方面密切合作.
  • Take control of your schedule: Connect with commercial flights or fly to your own timetable – whatever your time 和 location requirements, 我们安排了适合您的包机.
  • 访问更多机场:您可以包机往返于偏远地区, leaving from an airfield with little or no infrastructure 和 l和ing closer to your final destination at more airports 和 airfields than a scheduled service would allow.
  • 全球覆盖:无论你想去世界的哪个地方, our international network of offices puts our local knowledge to work for you on a global scale.
  • 私人 terminal access: Avoid queues 和 frustrating delays – you can board your private plane just minutes before take-off.
  • Cost efficiency: Our buying power 和 reputation allows us to get the best jet charter prices for you so you always enjoy the most cost-effective solution for your travels.
  • 飞机选择:可选择50架,000架私人飞机和130种不同类型的飞机, 我们总是为您的旅行提供合适的飞机.
  • Personal account manager: Your dedicated charter specialist is available 24/7 to help you with any requirements you may have, 从安排机上美食到在最后一刻更改航班.


如果你想乘坐私人飞机, 我们的定价指南 是一个好的开始吗.

You can use our price estimate tool to get an approximate cost for an entire aircraft category or individual aircraft types on your requested dates.




After you’ve inquired about a charter jet, you’ll be assigned a personal charter specialist. 这个人会给你发一些报价供你选择, each of which will have a clear breakdown of aircraft 和 airports as well as the reasons they’ve been chosen for you. If you want to go ahead, your account manager will make the bookings 和 send you the flight details. This includes directions to the terminal 和 any other important information to do with your charter.

Your personal account manager is your go-to person for any questions or requests you have up to the flight 和, 如果可能的话, 他们会在终点站为你送行. 在整个过程中, 他们将随时待命, 你可以在任何地方打电话, 只要你喜欢——租一架私人飞机就是这么容易!


Your dedicated account manager will narrow down your best options from the many aircraft available to you. 帮助你做出最后的选择, 我们总是根据你对那次旅行的需求提供建议. 你可以看看我们的 飞机指南 了解更多信息.


这取决于喷气机的等级. 通常, 沉重的飞机, 超级中型喷气机和中型喷气机的飞行速度为每小时400至500英里, 轻型喷气机,时速400到480英里, 涡轮螺旋桨飞机时速220到315英里. 但是在选择包机时要记住, 飞机的速度会受到逆风等因素的影响, 急流, 高度, 飞行动荡, 天气状况, 以及机上乘客和行李的数量.


重 jets are designed to carry as many people 和 as much baggage as possible over longer distances. 主要用于国际旅行, 重型喷气机的平均航程是7英里,000英里或8小时不间断飞行时间.

如果你想坐飞机的话,中型飞机是个不错的选择,450 miles – that would be the equivalent of flying from New York to Los Angeles in less than five hours without having to stop to refuel. But keep in mind that the distance an aircraft can fly depends on a number of things like payload which includes the number of 乘客 和 baggage onboard as well as the amount of fuel carried 和 wind 和 天气状况.

通常能坐4到8人的轻型飞机, 一种豪华的旅行方式可以达到1英里,500英里后再加油, 或者三到四个小时的飞行时间. 涡轮螺旋桨飞机在600到1000英里的航程中尤其具有成本效益.


我们会通知您所选飞机的货舱容量. 如果你需要更大的空间,你可以升级. 通常, you would be able to take more baggage with you on a private aircraft rental than on a commercial airline. 如果带上高尔夫球杆或滑雪板等物品,你可能需要升级装备.


当使用专用终端时, 你可以在离起飞更近的地方办理登机手续,而不是乘坐商业航班. 有时你可以在飞机起飞前15分钟到达, 在某些情况下,你可以直接被送到飞机上登机.


Yes, although there are rules when flying into or out of the US with a companion animal. 它们不仅需要宠物护照,还需要植入微芯片, 他们的狂犬病疫苗必须是最新的. A private air charter is one of the kindest ways to transport your pet from one destination to another.


The cost of a private plane rental depends on the distance you travel 和 the aircraft you’ve chosen. A short 40-minute flight in a small plane could cost around $2,800, while the price of a 1.一架中型喷气式飞机5小时的飞行费用将接近3.45万美元. 随着喷气式飞机的尺寸和飞行时间的增加, 租一架私人飞机的费用也会增加.


如果你想了解更多关于包租私人飞机的信息,你可以 与我们的团队交流 关于乘坐私人飞机的所有好处. 匆匆忙忙? 得到一个 即时私人飞机成本估算 作为起点. 我们也很乐意和你谈谈你的其他灵活的选择, 具有成本效益的旅游, 比如我们的短途空中出租车服务或者我们的 喷气机卡 that gives you a range of benefits that are unmatched by any other product on the private aviation market.












  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

